About Falck Healthcare

We make healthcare easy for employees and managers in privately owned companies, public organisations, and customers in insurance companies and pension funds.

We create visible, effective, measureable and lasting changes for you and your company when it comes to health, sickness, absence or the physical and psychological wearing-down of employees and managers.

Falck Healthcare runs more than 120 clinics with around 700 physical therapists carrying out approx. 650,000 treatments a year.

Furthermore, our concept "Hurtig Diagnose" helps more than 310,000 Danes reduce the waiting time for an appointment with a specialised doctor. Finally, we carry out more than 150,000 consultations a year in collaboration with around 520 psychologists.

In Falck Healthcare A/S we work with:

Styrk medarbejdernes sundhed og trivsel gennem forebyggelse


We prevent sickness and enhance the employees' health and performance.

Få behandling, når skaden er sket


We treat injuries when damage occurs.

Rådgivning indenfor organisation og ledelse – at drive en sund virksomhed

Organisation and Management

We provide advice and assistance within health to organisations and develop the organisation and its managers by making them capable of running a healthy and high-performing business.

Uddannelse af ledere og medarbejdere – forebyggelse, behandling, ledelse og organisation


We educate companies and employees about Prevention, Treatment, and Organisation and Management.